Communications is a full service Internet Service Provider.
Instructions for Downloading
the SkyPoint Software Package
This section assumes
that you know how to use a terminal program. If you are unfamiliar with your
terminal program, please consult your manual or call its technical support
line for help.
- 1.Open
your terminal program by double clicking on it.
- 2.Setup. You
will need to set up your terminal program to dial in to SkyPoint Communications.
Please check your terminal program's manual to find the correct setup menu
options. In most packages, you may create a permanent dialer menu entry for
each number you contact with your modem. These entries also save other important
settings used in contacting that number. We suggest creating a permanent entry
for SkyPoint if you are able to do so, since it will save you the time and
effort of reentering all the following settings each time you contact us.
If the option is not available, or if you do not want to create a permanent
listing, please enter these options manually each time you need to contact
- Enter SkyPoint's phone
number. You will not need to enter the area code unless the call is a long-distance
call for you.
- In the Minneapolis/St.
Paul Area: 612-473-5646
- In the Hudson/Stillwater
Area: 612-436-3637
- In the Duluth/Superior
Area: 218-720-5800
- Enter the following
terminal settings.
- Parity: None
- Data Bits: 8
- Stop Bit: 1
- Enter the terminal
type. We suggest vt100. If this, or vt102, is unavailable,
ANSI should work well enough. If you use ANSI, some formatting will
appear odd but function will not be impaired.
- Enter your modem speed.
NOTE: these options require you to set the speed above your modem's
maximum speed. Your modem will check these settings and automatically select
the fastest possible rate below the maximum speed entered.
- If you have a 14.4
kbps (14,400) modem: Select 19,200.
- If you have a 28.8
kbps (28,800) modem: Select 38,400.
- Enter the download
transfer protocol (The way data is packaged for telecommunications). We
suggest using Zmodem because it will allow you to reconnect at the "location"
in the download process you were last at, if for any reason your connection
with the FTP site is lost. If your software does not have this option, other
acceptable protocols are Xmodem, Ymodem, or Kermit.
Please note which protocol you have chosen, since you will need to let SkyPoint's
software know which protocol to use.
- 3.Call Waiting.
If you have Call Waiting, please disable it. If you do not, incoming calls
will break your connection. You will need to disable Call Waiting before EVERY
modem session.
- For Touch-Tone Phones:
Press *70 before every call.
- For Rotary Phones:
Dial 1170 before every call.
Your terminal software
may allow you to enter these codes permanently in its dialing sequence. We
suggest that you check your terminal program's dialing setup options and enter
the code permanently if possible. Doing so will prevent you from being knocked
off line by an incoming phone call if you forget to enter the code manually
at the beginning of a session.
- 4.Dial.
Have your modem dial SkyPoint.
- 5.Access the SkyPoint
Menu Option.
Once connected to SkyPoint, you will get a small menu which looks something
like this:
Welcome to SkyPoint options
are S - Shell Account M - Menu Account
Select the Menu option
by typing M and hitting the return key.
- 6.Log in.
You will see a message that looks like this:
UnixWare 2.03 (mirage)
Enter your Username
that was assigned to you by SkyPoint. Remember, all letters are lower case.
Hit the return key. You will then see another prompt:
Type in the Password
assigned to you by SkyPoint. This may have both upper case and lower case
letters in it. Please make sure that what you type in exactly matches the
Password you were given. You will not be able to see the characters you are
typing, for security reasons. Hit return.
- 7.Enter terminal
type. You will
be prompted to enter your terminal type:
Please enter your terminal
type. If you are unsure, type ENTER for vt100:
Enter the SAME terminal
type you entered in your settings. Most users will type vt100, but
if you have entered vt102 or ANSI in your terminal program,
type that option in here. Press return.
- 8.Accessing the menu.
Depending on your account type, you will probably be presented with a full-screen
menu that looks like this:
Communications |
M |
Mail |
N |
Usenet News |
T |
Telnet |
F |
FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) |
I |
Applications |
A |
File Utilities |
U |
Network Utilities |
P |
Personal Utilities |
S |
Shell Options |
O |
Offline Reader Packing |
D |
View/Dwnld SkyPoint Files |
Selection: Press X To Exit, ? For Help |
If you see this menu,
you will not need to type anything additional in to access it. If you DO NOT
see this menu, and only see a prompt, type fineline and hit return.
- 9.Select the Download
option. Type
D (View/Dwnld SkyPoint Files).
- 10.Select the PC
Software to download.
You will be presented with a new menu. Type 3 (Windows 3.1 Browser).
- 11.Select the transfer
protocol. You
will be given a new menu with options to select which transfer protocol to
Protocol? |
Z |
Send file
with Zmodem |
S |
Send file
with Xmodem |
Y |
Send file
with Ymodem |
K |
Send file
with Kermit |
Selection: Press X to Exit, ? For Help. |
When you set up your
transfer protocol, you were asked to make a note of which protocol you chose.
Most users will be using Zmodem. Enter the letter associated with the correct
transfer protocol on the menu. For example, users who have set their transfer
protocol to Zmodem would type Z.
NOTE: Windows
Terminal Users must select S to use Xmodem.
NOTE for Windows Terminal
users ONLY: Remember, Windows Terminal only supports Xmodem.
To prepare Windows Terminal
to receive:
- a.Select "Transfers".
Click and hold on the "Transfers" menu item at the top of the screen.
- b.Select "Binary File".
Drag the cursor down onto the "Binary File" menu item and release the mouse
- c.Enter the file name.
In the "File Name" box at the upper left corner:
If you are
downloading the Install Instructions:
Type install.txt.
If you are downloading the WindowsSlip/PPP pkg:
Type iew31.exe.
- d.Select the directory
where to save the file. In the "Directories" box at the right side of the
window, select the directory where you want the Install Instructions to be
- e.Select "OK". Click
on the "OK" button in the upper right corner of the window.
- 13.Wait.
After the download begins, leave your computer alone and let it finish at
its own pace. The length of time needed to download the SkyPoint PPP package
will depend on the speed at which you are connected. For example, at a 14.4
kbps connection speed the package will take about an hour to download. If
your modem defaults to a slower speed, it may take up to 3 or 4 hours. A faster
connect speed will require between 1/2 and 1 hour.
If the connection is
lost or something else goes wrong with the download, your terminal software
will let you know with an error message. If that happens, please go back
to step 2 of this process. If you have made a permanent dial entry for SkyPoint,
you can skip step 2. If you have call waiting and have permanently entered
the code to turn it off before any modem call, you can skip step 3.
- 14.Exit the SkyPoint
site. After
your download is complete, you will see SkyPoint�s Protocol menu. Type X
to go back to the last menu. At each menu you see, type X until your
software informs you that your computer has disconnected (hung up) from SkyPoint.
- 15.Quit.
Quit your terminal software.
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